Thursday, April 11, 2013

Some Vertical Jump Routines

Plyometric routines-
The plyometric programs are designed for those who wish to perform a program without any concurrent weight training or for those who want to supplement their weight training. These programs, unlike most plyometric programs, address multiple aspects of explosiveness. Not only do they increase your traditional plyometric ability, but they also consist of exercises to improve your rate of force development, short response reactivity, full rom strength, full rom reactivity, and starting strength.  The combination of exercises and training means in these programs has proven very effective.

For those who wish to perform their own weight training programs along with the plyometric programs this can be done very successfully but I recommend the volume of plyometrics be reduced to no more then 2 days per week.  The flow of the plyometric routines will carry you from one level to the next and from less advanced exercises into more advanced exercises.

Upon first glance it may appear that there are just a bunch of exercises lumped together into each routine without a specific purpose, but what you should understand is that each

exercise is done for a specific purpose to address a certain function.  Each exercise, each workout, each week, and each phase of every program is designed to carry you forward into the next workout, week, exercise, phase, or program.   It helps to understand the natural progression of exercises and different types of exercises.  Here is a general overview of each category of exercise along with some exercises in each category.  Keep in mind, however, that there is always going to be considerable overlap in between exercises and/or types of exercises but we can make a general divide and outline the progression for each type. The types of exercises and their focus can be divided up into 6 different categories.  These areas are:

1.   Lower intensity plyometric drills
2.   General mixed jump exercises
3.   Exercises specifically for rate of force development and power
4.   Medium to high intensity reactive methods
5.   Exercises to enhance full range plyometric strength and power
6.   Short response reactive methods

Low intensity drills

These drills are lower in intensity and generally done earlier in the training session to progress from the warm-up into the more intense exercises.  They tend to be fairly low intensity in nature and address movement efficiency.  The general flow of exercises in this category is:

1.   Ankle bounce
2.   Slalom jumps
3.   Ricochet jumps
4.   4-star drill
5.   Bent over donkey ankle bounces
6.   Unilateral (1-legged) varieties of the previous

General Jump Exercises

These exercises are fairly general in nature and can train a good mix of different strength qualities, depending on how they are performed.  In the routines listed you will often seen these exercises prescribed with varying recommendations to work on different aspects of power.  They are also frequently prescribed in higher volume fashion to contribute towards muscular growth and some power endurance. The general flow of exercises in this category goes:

1.   Squat Jumps (from either ¼, ½, or full squat)
2.   Paused Squat jumps
3.   Consecutive broad jumps
4.   Leapfrog jumps

5.   Double leg bounding

Power and Rate of Force Development

These exercises are characterized by a very large focus on moving your body at high force from nearly a dead stop or a paused position.  Fundamentally these drills arent really plyometric drills, because of the lack of movement preceded by accelerated muscular stretching, but they are still often lumped into this category.  For most of these movements, the focus is on generating as much voluntary force as possible as quickly as possible without much bouncing or cheating.  Exercises in this category are very effective at enabling you to develop peak power from a near standstill.  The general flow of exercises in this category goes:

1.   Star jump
2.   Standing broad jump
3.   1-leg step-up jump
4.   On-box jump
5.   Box squat jump
6.   3 step lead into on-box jump

General Plyometric Exercises

These are typically the types of exercises people think of when they hearplyometrics. I wont bore you to death explaining plyometric training methods again! The general flow of exercises in this category goes:

1.   Rim jumps
2.   Low side to side box jumps
3.   Lateral cone jumps
4.   Low box depth jumps for height
5.   Low box depth jump (<18 inches)
6.   Knees to chest tuck jump
7.   Barrier jumps
8.   3 steps + jump for height off 2 legs
9.   High drop jumps
10. High depth jumps

Full Range Reactive Exercises

Exercises in this category tend to be performed through a full range of motion, with the muscle in extension.  When you squat down your muscles actually extend and when you stand up they shorten.  Thus, exercises that train the muscle during extensions tend to be exercises that involve a deeper knee bend.  Developing awesome strength and explosiveness over a full range of motion is very important for an athlete.  The natural tendency is for one to be weaker in these positions, but when you are strong through a
full ROM you will automatically tend to strengthen your already stronger positions.  This will also help prevent injuries. Exercises in this category also tend to involve the muscles of the hips, hamstrings, and vastus medialis to a very large extent - something that is neglected with most plyometric programs.  The result is these exercises wont just make you more powerful in the vertical jump but will also give you awesome acceleration and agility from all angles; making you a better athlete. The general flow of exercises in this category goes:

1.   Low squat ankle jump
2.   Rhythmic jump squat
3.   Paused full squat jump (1/2 or full position)
4.   Rhythmic lunge jump
5.   Deep lunge jump
6.   Low squat jump into shock” lunge
7.   Shock lunge
8.   Low squat jump into jump lunge
9.   High drop jump into ½ squat
10. Drop jump into lunge

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