Complete Advanced Workout
The advanced workout is a 9-week workout that utilizes concentrated strength loading to build up the various qualities. Most advanced athletes will already have fairly well developed strength, explosive strength, and reactive ability, so they require more volume in order to disrupt homeostasis enough to stimulate an adaptation. The problem is, this volume becomes excessive if everything is focused on at once. With concentrated loading, we use a high volume of strength loading to “disrupt” the system and stimulate a long term delayed training effect. The high volume phase stimulates incomplete
recovery, therefore you will probably not make great gains during the first 2 phases. In fact, you may even notice a decrease in your abilities. No need to worry though. You’re simply laying the groundwork for future gains. Once volume is tapered down all the functional indicators (strength, speed strength, reactive ability) will rise up and above baseline.
The workouts are higher frequency than the others with work being performed 3 times weekly. Although you address each individual strength quality throughout the week, the first 2 phases will “focus” on strength. The advanced workouts also utilize a new type of volume regulation format called “auto-regulatory” loading. Auto-regulatory loading means you let your performance on any given day tell you how much volume to do of a given exercise. As one becomes more advanced, the ability to perform on a daily basis tends to fluctuate. Because of this, telling someone to perform X number of sets and reps
on a given exercise is not the best method of programming. Instead of using this method, auto-regulatory loading calls for you to find your best effort for a given exercise on a given day and simply perform the exercise until your performance begins to drop off by a predetermined percentage. For example, say a program calls for you to run 40 yard
sprints (or any other exercise) twice per week. If you were to time yourself on these sprints, chances are your performance would not be the same for both training days. You’d likely be able to run faster on one day then on the next. Due to the fluctuations in recovery ability and trainability, that type of thing is to be expected. Along the same lines, if you were performing heavy bench presses, squats, or any other weight-room movement, you’d likely find the same type of thing in that your strength fluctuates on a daily basis from workout to workout. What auto-regulatory loading does is let this work for you. You simply find what you are capable of for a given movement on a given day and perform repetitions and sets until you drop below your best mark for the day. In these workouts usually you will work until your performance drops off up to 3%.
Say your program calls for you to perform 40 yard sprints and you warm-up and find that you are running a 5.0 second 40 yard dash that day and the program calls for you to train to a 3% drop-off. In this case you would continue sprinting until you drop off by 3%, or until you can no longer run the 40-yard sprint in less than 5.15 seconds (5.0 x .35=.15). On this workout you’ll find your performance may fluctuate on a daily basis, but over weeks it will increase dramatically. Movements that call for auto-regulatory volume management will be identified in the “sets and reps” column. When establishing your daily max on these movements, keep in mind these are “training” maxes and not competitive maxes. Go for a true hard effort but don’t get overly psyched up and aroused, otherwise it’ll take you to long to recovery.
The workout is divided up into 4 phases. The first 2 phases are 4 weeks long and the last
2 are 3 weeks long. On the 4th week of phase 1 and 2 you will see the guidelines are different. Volume is lowered and you test during the 3rd workout of that particular week. Obviously, you will want to test yourself in the vertical jump but I also recommend you test your 40-yard dash, standing broad jump, and squat. For the vertical jump you should test yourself from a static start, from a running start, and from a 1-legged takeoff. If you keep careful tabs on these markers as well as the other tests, you can get an idea of which component of your program needs more work. The workout is designed for performance
3 times weekly on non-consecutive days. A good way to structure the workouts would be to do them on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Ideally take 2 full rest days at the conclusion of the training week (Saturday and Sunday, or Sunday and Monday) before starting the next week’s workout. Lets get to it!
Phase I – Weeks 1-4
Workout #1
Exercise | Sets and | Load | Rest | Comments | Week #4 |
| Reps | | Intervals | | |
Warm-up routine | | | | As outlined | same |
Slalom jumps | 3 x 25 | | 1 minute | Low intensity | Replace with vertical jumps from a running start. 4 sets of 3 repetitions – measure each attempt |
60 yard strides | 4 sets | | Walk back to start | Accelerate smoothly over 60 yards | Replace with 40 yard dash and perform 4 maximum 40 yard sprints |
10-20 minute break | | | | | |
Squat | Auto- regulatory loading – sets of 3 | 80- 85% | 3 minutes between sets | Do sets of 3 with 80- 85% of your maximum. Keep going until bar speed slows down. Perform no more than 8 sets and ideally between 5 and 8. If you can perform 8 or more increase the weight next time. If you can perform less than 5 decrease the weight next time. | Execute 3 sets of 3 reps at 80-85% of max |
Romanian Deadlift | 3 x 5 | 70% of max | 2-3 minutes | Pause for 3 seconds at mid-shin level and explode up | Execute 2 sets of 5 reps |
Standing calf raise | 5x5 | 80- 90% | 2 minutes | Pause for 3 seconds at the bottom and 3 seconds at the top. | 3 sets of 5 |
Phase I Workout #2
Exercise | Sets and Reps | Load | Rest intervals | Comments | Week #4 |
Warm-up | | | | As written | Same |
routine | | | | | |
4 star drill | 3x10 | | 1 minute | Low intensity | 2 x 10 |
50 yard build-ups | 4 sets | | Walk back to start | Run and accelerate smoothly to 90% of top speed over 50 yards | 3 sets |
Side to side box jump | 4 x 6 | | 2 minutes | Use about an 18-inch box | 2 x 6 |
Jump Shrug | 4 x 3 | 40-50% of max deadlift | 2-3 minutes | Start from the floor grasping the barbell in a deadlift position. Drive it up explosively and jump at the top, while you shrug your shoulders to your ears. | 2 x 3 |
Box Squat | 3-4 sets of 2 reps | 60% of max squat | 1 minute between sets | Use a wide stance and sit back on a slightly below parallel box. Relax the hips and then explode up. Really focus on bar speed. Stop performing sets when the bar speed slows and you are unable to complete a rep without hitting a sticking point. If you can complete all 8 sets add weight the next workout. | 4 sets of 2 reps |
Glute ham raise or leg curl | 3 x 5 | 80% | 2 minutes | Explode on the way up, lower down slowly on a 5 count. | 2 sets of 5 reps |
Phase I Workout #3
Plyometrics: Short response reactive strength
Weight room: Maximum and reactive strength
Exercise | Sets and reps | Load | Rest intervals | Comments | Week #4 |
Warm-up routine | | | | As written | Warm-up normally then test vertical jump, 40 yard dash, standing broad jump, and squat. Take the rest of the workout off. Commence phase |
| | | | | 2 the following Monday |
Donkey ankle bounce | 3 x 25 | | 1 minute | Low intensity | |
Power skipping | 4 x 40 yards | | Walk back to start | Moderate intensity | |
30 yard dash | Auto- regulatory (but no more than 6 total sprints) | | 1-2 minutes between reps – 5 minutes between sets | Time yourself in the sprints and once you’ve established your daily max keep performing repetitions until you begin to drop below your best effort. Perform reps in groups of 3 with 1-2 minutes between reps and 5 minutes between set groupings. | |
Snatch Grip Deadlift | 5 x 3 | 80- 85% | 3 minutes | Focus on keeping the lower back tight and straight and lifting with controlled bar speed. | |
Barbell Split Squat | 3 x 5/leg | 75- 80% | 1-2 minutes | | |
Calf raise | 3 x 15 | 70% | 1-2 minutes | | |
Phase II Weeks 5-8
Focus: A general focus of all strength qualities throughout each workout
Workout #1
Exercise | Sets and Reps | Load | Rest Interval | Comments | Week #8 |
Warm-up routine | | | | As written | Same |
Ricochet jump | 3 x 20 | | 1 minute | Low intensity | Same |
On-box jump using 3 | 4 x 4 | | 2 minutes | Use a box that is very | Same |
step lead in | | | | challenging in height | |
50 yard acceleration run | 4 sprints | Accelerate smoothly up to 90% top speed | 2 minutes | | same |
Squat | cluster – on each set perform 4 consecutive singles with 30 seconds rest in between each. After 4 reps rest 3 minutes and repeat the cluster a total of 3 times or 12 total reps. | 85-87.5% - Aim for good bar speed | 30 seconds rest between reps and 3 minutes between clusters | | Perform 3 sets of 3 reps with 80- 85% of max |
Romanian Deadlift | 3 sets of 5 | 80-85% | 2 minutes | | Perform 2 sets of 5 |
Calf raise | 4 x 10 | 75-80% | 1 minute | | Perform 2 sets of 10 |
Phase II - Workout #2
Exercise | Sets and reps | Load | Rest interval | Comments | Week #8 |
Warm-up routine | | | | Perform as written | Same |
1-leg slalom jump | 3 x 30 (per leg) | | 1 minute | | Same |
30 yard acceleration runs | Auto-regulatory loading – Train to the first signs of drop-off | | 3 minutes | Jog forward for 20 yards accelerating gradually. At this point accelerate maximally for 30 yards. | Same |
Explosive snatch grip deadlift | 4 x 4 | 80% | 2 minutes | Use a load that would enable you about 8 reps. Perform each rep with good form and bar speed. | eliminate |
Barbell lunge | 4 x 6 (per leg) | 80% | 2 minutes | Slow down – Explode up – Lower slowly for 5 seconds all the way down and explode up | eliminate |
Exercise | Sets and reps | Load | Rest Intervals | Comments | Week #8 |
Donkey ankle bounce | 3 x 25 | | 1 minute | | Warm-up and then test in the vertical jump, 40 yard dash, broad jump, and squat |
Box squat jump | 4 x 6 | | 1 minute | 2 sets jumping up as high as possible – 2 sets jumping out as far as possible | eliminate |
¼ Squat | 4 x 4 | Load should be about 100% of your best full back squat for the ¼ squat and 50- 60% of your best squat for the reactive squat | 3 minutes | | eliminate |
Leg curl | 4 x 8 | 65-70% | 2 minutes | Lower with one leg for a 5 count and raise explosively with 2. Alternate the leg you use for lowering | eliminate |
Calf raise | 5 x 5 | Heavy | 1 minute | Pause for 3 seconds at the bottom of each rep and 3 seconds at the top | eliminate |
Phase III Weeks 9-11
Workout #1
Exercise | Sets and Reps | Load | Rest Intervals | Comments | |
3 steps + | Auto-regulatory | | 1-2 minutes | Perform in | |
jump for height off 1- leg | loading | | | sets of 3 reps. Perform an equal # of repetitions per leg. Establish daily best jump and terminate when your performance drops off at all | |
Reactive Squat | 5 x 3 | 40% | 2-3 minutes | Drop down into the hole, absorb the force, and explode out. Focus more on the “absorbing” rather than the “exploding” | |
Explosive Leg curl or glute ham | 4 x 5 | 60-70% | 2-3 minutes | Emphasize speed on both the lowering and the raising phase | |
Workout #2
Exercise | Sets and Reps | Load | Rest Intervals | Comments |
Warm-up | | | | |
40 yard dash | 4-6 | | 3-5 minutes | |
Power Skipping | 4 x 40 yards | | 1-2 minutes | |
Low box depth jump for maximum height | Sets of 3- Auto- regulatory loading | Use a 12-18 inch box | 3 minutes | Alternate back and forth with the drop jumps- work up to your best jump of the day. Terminate both the depth jumps and drop jumps when your performance drops off noticeably |
Squat | 3 x 3 | 80-85% | 2-3 minutes | Low volume and moderate intensity – Focus on good depth on the eccentric and good bar speed on the concentric |
Romanian Deadlift | 3 x 3 | 80-85% | 2-3 minutes | Lower slowly and explode up. |
Phase IV – Weeks 12-14 (note: this phase only contains 2 workouts per week. You should rest 3-4 days in between workouts. A Monday and Thursday setup works well.)
Exercise | Sets and Reps | Load | Rest Intervals | Comments |
Depth Jumps | 6-8 x 3 | Use a box equivalent to the height of your best vertical jump | 2-3 minutes | Make sure you land as far away from the box as the box is high. (e.g. If your vertical jump is 30 inches you should land 30 inches away from the box) |
40 yard dash | Auto-regulatory loading | | 3-5 minutes | Work up to daily best effort and stop when you drop below that |
Exercise | Sets and Reps | Loading | Rest Intervals | Comments |
High Drop Jump into ½ Squat | Sets of 3 – Autoregulatory loading | Use a box up to 20% higher then your best VJ | 2-3 minutes | Alternate with Vertical Jumps for height |
Vertical Jump for maximum height | Sets of 3 | | 2-3 minutes | Use any style that you wish – The goal is simply maximum height |
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